Archives September 30, 2022

THE joy OF COMING home FROM traveling

Updated: 01/05/19 | January 5th, 2019 Coming home from a trip around the world can be a real culture shock, and sometimes the initial excitement wears away quickly, yielding to the reality that you are no longer traveling. It can be a hard transition to deal with. You go from something new every day to…

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Hashing in Grenada: A fun Hiking Experience

“Can I get all of the virgins down in front!” Nick and I both looked at each other, certain that we weren’t virgins in the conventional sense, but soon realized that yes, we were virgins when it concerned Hashing. The Hash house Harriers are an international group of social runners and walkers. it all started…

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ISTANBUL ON A BUDGET: travel guide & itinerary

When I think of Istanbul, I think of my childhood. This ancient city took up almost a chapter in our grade school textbook, and as someone who grew up fascinated with history, it certainly made an impression early on. I remember how I studied its days as Constantinople and its significance as a center of…

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